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Thoughts on 1.6

It's been a couple of versions since we saw something really fun being added to CS. 1.6 will change this as it's offering the players two new weapons as well as a shield. We asked some of the worlds top-players, such as Potti, Medion and mysse, what they thought about the coming version.


What's your take on the new weapons (Galil and FAMAS) which will be included in 1.6, do you think you'll use them or will you stick to the old ones?
Notoriousesu.sweNo idea, it depends on if they are any good, of course.
diGitalOcrana.fiDepends how good the weapons are, how expensive etc. I've heard that they will cost about as much as ak and colt, but yea ill use em if they're any good.
natuAllstarsWell, of course it depends on if they are useful or not. I hope they are - new weapons _THAT ARE USEFULL_ are always welcome imho. Unlike dual berettas and such that are what we call waste of space.
SnAGGznitzI don't know particularly much about CS 1.6, but I think they will be used, but not much at all in clan matches. I mean, the colt and the AK will still be dominant.
NIReeSK.sweI'll know when I've tried them out. The Galil, though, seems to be a healthy addition, slightly better accuracy but still not too expensive. My guess is that it will be a rather popular weapon. I don't think the FAMAS, on the other hand, will be able to compete with the colt, except looking at the price-tag. And it will only be used when you're low on money.
MedionSK.sweI hope it won't be a couple of new dual berettas anyway, would be fun if the CS-crew would add good weapons for once.
PottiSK.sweI really hope it won't be like the old betas like UMP, FiveSeven, dual berettas, sig sniper etc., I hope you can really put the weapons to use this time. If they're good it's going to be great fun with some new stuff and learning techniques etc.
mysseGoLNo, I wont use 'em. I'll stick with the old ones, the new guns look poopy :P
eonLimitlessIt depends on how good they are. They might reduce the number of ecos etc if they prove to be good enough to match the m4 and ak.
KulsprutaMatrixIf the new CT-gun is cheaper than the colt, and if it's good enough, we might see fewer ecos :)
tRiGGaDoPWell I will definitely have fun pubbing with them, can't really say if I will use them for match play yet though - until I've tried them out. From what I've seen/heard about them, though, they seem pretty cool.
NaikoneoLithicHeard they were going to be an alternative to colt and AK and that's way better than adding some more mac10's and berettas.I will use whatever i can do most damage with :)

There's been quite a lot of talk about the new riot shield, do you think it will have a big effect on the game, good or bad?
Notoriousesu.sweI think it could be quite cool, though hard to know how effective it will be but it sounds fun.
diGitalOcrana.fiBad probably but i doubt ppl will really use it, it all depends on how strong the shield is etc. I doubt that in the long run the riot shield will only be used by noobs on publics like dual pistols or whatever.
natuAllstarsIt could add some spice to it. But I doubt tho' - I'm quite neutral about the whole riot shield thing. I want to see and try it out - there's been quite radical reactions by some people about it. I rather wait untill I've had it in my hands :).
SnAGGznitzI think it will affect the game in a bad way if it will be of any use, and I think it will lead to more camping. I like when the game is fast :)
NIReeSK.sweIt will slow down the game even more, though it will bring in a couple of new tactics in to the game. Whether or not it will work I don't know, but I'm guessing it will be more bad than good.
MedionSK.sweBad most certainly, maybe it'll be fun public but in CW it's completely unnecessary.
PottiSK.sweSounds like a really bad thing, but time will tell :P
mysseGoLHaha, I dunno, it just looks pathetic. We'll see how it's gonna work out :)
eonLimitlessI don't really think it will have much of an impact on things. It takes up a primary weapon slot, and is just too defensive to be of any real use i think.
KulsprutaMatrixI think everything concerning the shield will turn out bad.
tRiGGaDoPI personally dont believe it will affect gameplay much, if at all. Considering you will have a huge speed decrease and will only be able to weild a pistol, I dont think it gives you much of an advantage.
NaikoneoLithicI think it will have the same effect as dual berettas had = none.

Do you think 1.6 will be better or worse than 1.5?
Notoriousesu.sweI think it'll be better, because everything after 1.3 sucked and they must have understood that they're doing something wrong by now.
diGitalOcrana.fiIf they fix the netcode and the way the weapons work like recoil etc. so that they are more like 1.3 and the game is more about individual skill, yes then i think the new version will be better. This version is also ok, and with some good weapon addition it could be better also, but i really like the idea of changing the recoils etc., if they change them in a positive way.
natuAllstarsWhat they should pay attention to is the pistol-accuracy. Since you have to think twice to even dare to call it "accuracy". Desert eagle, at the moment, is pure "lotto" for instance, not to mention the USP. I hope they will do something about the pistol-recoils. Can't really say if it's worse or better than 1.5, hopefully better! :)
SnAGGznitzWorse, they've already managed to screw up the game. 1.3 - 1.4 was a disaster they turnet the fast gameplay with jump-hs into a camper-game.
NIReeSK.sweI don't think it can get any worse than it is at the moment, I'm hoping it will be a huge improvement, considering the net-code will be re-written. That alone could make the game better and less "random".
MedionSK.sweRumour has it that 1.6 will be more like 1.3 again, that would certainly be an improvement, but one can only hope for the best.
PottiSK.sweBetter considering it will be a whole new net-code what I've heard, and a couple of fixes as well. But a lot depends on the feel, which I hope they hasn't altered too much. I already think CS is a lite more boring since 1.4 and 1.5 :P 1.3 and the betas before that were a lot better imo :P
mysseGoLNehe, I dunno the game has gone shit all the way from 5.2 :P
eonLimitlessBetter. Mainly 'cause of the removal of some net-settings, especially ex_interp. Will be a lot easier to accept dying when that command is removed, I think ;) my only fear is that 1.6 will require top-notch hardware, the game seems to get a lot heavier for every updated that is released.
KulsprutaMatrixIf the net-code is altered in the way they say I think we'll see a great improvement.
tRiGGaDoPHopefully better, implementing new weapons and items always spices up gameplay a little bit and gives everyone some extra fun ;]
NaikoneoLithicCould it get even worse? :) I think 1.6 is going to be better than 1.5 because of the forced interp value and the netcode changes etc. The new wepons should bring some more variation into the game.

Which version of CS do you think has been the best and why?
Notoriousesu.swe1.3, no doubt. Most of the bugs were fixed and the game ran smoothly and it wasn't as effective camping then, and the ecos were great fun with good pistols.
diGitalOcrana.fiWell my gameplay has improved alot in the road of different versions but i think i liked 1.3 the most. The reason could also be my configs cause they were pretty wild back in that version :)
natuAllstarsHmmh.. 1.3 was rather good imo with a lot of skill involved. Pistol-accuracy was quite nice and the luck-calculator was hidden a lot more than in 1.5. Yeah, 1.3 I would say.
SnAGGznitzI think CS 1.0 was the best version ever, aim with unzoomed AWP (you could run and frag), you could bunnyjump, jump-hs with pistols etc. The cheating was as common and the head-hitbox was a lot smaller, it demanded more skill to frag. According to me they've only made Counter-strike better for beginners.
NIReeSK.sweI think 1.3 was the best, it felt as it was more focused on individual skill. If you played a lot you became good, kind of like 1.1 without hitbox-bugs (big). It didn't payoff standing still as much as it does now.
MedionSK.sweBeta 6.1, never had so much fun in CS as in that beta :). Bunnyjump, AWP without zoom etc etc.
PottiSK.swe6.2 - you could jump and hit with both guns and the mp5. The mp5 did a lot more damage so you had a chance against heavier weapons etc. The gameplay was nicer too back then :P You could play well without having 100 fps all the time :P
mysseGoL5.2 no reason it just was :>
eonLimitlessI think the latest version is the best, the game seems to get better with every update. It also seems to me that it is much harder to cheat with the later versions, which of course is a good thing =) The older versions had too many hitbox bugs etc.
KulsprutaMatrix1.3 was the best. You could still bob people. One did not slow down when you land and you could walk faster with a little skill.
tRiGGaDoPWell, the current version is one of the best versions for tourney play but I personally liked some older betas better around 6-7 when you could still run fast, jump and fire accuratly etc.
NaikoneoLithicDon't have a favourite cs version, but if i have to pick one I would have to say b6.5 because that's when the fun started!

What should be done to make CS "the perfect game"?
Notoriousesu.sweSpeed it up a bit, it's too slow now with the walk speed and weapon switch.
diGitalOcrana.fiGo back to the 1.3 style and not make the game more "newbie friendly" version by version like they are doing now. I liked the old versions better cause they required more individual skill, so to make this game perfect they should not make the behaviour of the guns so random etc...
natuAllstarsWell making a perfect game is obviously impossible :). But what they should improve in, as I mentioned above, is the pistol-accuracy which is quite erhmm.. unprecise. Otherwise it seems ok to me - of course there are bugs such as the famous lanevent problem FLASHBUG that apparently is going to be fixed in 1.6. Lanevent problem that is as it's HLTV that causes the problem and all lanevents tend to have HLTV's.
SnAGGznitzI think it's good as it is right now, but the players should move faster when you walk and you should be able to jump as you could before, that's what would be nice. Ah, right, jumping with pistols too :)
NIReeSK.sweRemove the recoil on the guns, or make it constant. Get rid of elements that slow the game down, for example the AWP, or at least make it less desirable.
MedionSK.sweTurn it into 5.2/6.1 again, maybe not the most realistic game but a lot more fun :)
PottiSK.sweI wouldn't mind 1.3 with the HLTV we've got now and the new net-code coming in 1.6 :) Remove the AWP too ;) Or make it do as much damage as a scout :Pawp = aim handicap :P
mysseGoLHire new guys to make the game :DLet the gamers do the game ^^
eonLimitlessFix the netcode, and possibly make some changes to the game engine or something so the players won't need the latest hardware all the time to get good fps.
KulsprutaMatrixThe net-code should be as they describe it in the coming version. You should be able to bob, jump without slowing down and walk faster as in 1.3 :)
tRiGGaDoPI really like almost every element about counter-strike right now I just think it needs a few more maps :] besides that everything has been smoothed out well and made to where you can dominate with any weapon if used correctly. But, ya, the main thing is the lack of maps, I mean we've been using almost the same maps for like 2 years now with the exception of one or two ;]
NaikoneoLithicGet back the old jumping, speedwalk, fast weaponswitch and mr15.

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