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Mindtrek LAN 2002 Movie

Vissa kanske tycker att det är i lite senaste laget, men nu har Challenge-CS, skaparna av den omtyckta filmen Oslo by Storm, som följde eoLithics väg till vinsten i CPL Oslo, släppt uppföljaren som nu handlar om CPL-kvalet på Mindtrek. Filmen är 10 minuter och 7 sekunder lång och ligger på 153 MB. Mirrors till filmen hittar ni här, här, här och här.
För att få reda på lite mer om filmen och dess skapare så kontaktade vi Hesseses som snällt svarade på våra frågor.

Could you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Heikki Lampinen, i'm 18 years. I live in Helsinki, Finland. I have made 2 movies before the mindtrek movie. My first movie Jeelisko - Lizard Hunt (its very skilled Frontline Force movie of my clan) and eoLithic - Oslo by Storm with muLperi (he did 3D-animations and helped with other stuff).

What could you tell us about the mindtrek movie?

Before Mindtreklan, Mx asked the staff of mindtrek if Challenge-CS could make the official mindtrek movie, and Mindtrek staff liked the Oslo By Storm movie.. so they said yes... we had some problems to get hltv demos and some demos didnt work =/. First weeks were just waiting for demos but last week I did the movie like 24/7 :).

We were supposed to do eolithic - Mindtrek By Storm but we had to cancel that because there was only 2 demos from eols matches =/.

I'm a bit disappointed of demos because there was so many from inferno. I recorded almost every frag from every demo and i have unused material for another movie. I focused much to timing in the movie, I think you'll notice it. For example start of first song and boomboomboom.

I see. What are you thinking when you see a scene you like? Making overview-look, watching different angles and such.

Thats a good question :). I think my favourite place is cbble rush, when they throw grens and rush there is a lot of action. About freelook-scenes, if someone kills like 3 guys but he shoots only legshots, its much better to use freelook mode coz viewers doesnt know where he is aiming. And one nice kill is better than two not so nice. Many times if some kills 2+ guys, i show only one kill, if it fits to movie. Quality > amount.

Are you planning to do more movies from future CPLs?

Maybe, maybe not. I'm so bored of watching demos now so i will some break now. But maybe later. If some good clan makes an offer to us (mulperi and me) we can make movies for the clan of their event / tournament.

What do you think about the performances by the teams in Dallas?

I havent watched any matches because of the movie, but before the tournament i voted for GoL (sogamed poll) thats because SK and eoL have pressure and GoL didnt attend Mindtrek. GoL has used their time well and pracced. I dont know much about 3D, there will be nice final and i hope GoL wins. I thought the final would be between SK/ eoL / GoL. I was disappointed in SK and eoL.

Okay thank you Hesesses for giving your time to answer my questions, and good luck in the future if you will make more movies. Any last words?

I wanna thank Kuurus and Mx who have done great job on challenge-cs and muLperi for very nice 3D-animations. And to all cs-players: you should try Frontline Force, download it from www.flfmod.com :). If you are interested in gamingmovies perform #gamingmovies @ Qnet. Thanks for interviewing.

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