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GoodFella is one great player who had his first real breakthrough playing with HLO. If you'd take a look after him today you would find him in the new clan Begrip which consists of five great players. We managed to take this interview with GoodFella and we decided to translate it into english as for you non-swedish people, so here it is!
Ert nästa stora evenemang är 011 i Norrköping. Hur tror du det kommer skilja sig från t.ex. CPL där ni inte var speciellt populära bland publiken? Spelar publikstödet någon roll när man spelar CS?

Publiken hatar alltid dom som är bäst, ren avundsjuka, så nu blir det nog vi som får en del support av fansen, och eye som får ta mot bu-ropen ;).

Har ni accepterat att EYE är favoriterna nu? Vad tror du det är som gjort att ni tappat tronen till dem?

Självklart är EYE favoriterna efter att ha slagit oss två matcher i rad på senaste CPL.

Anledningarna till att vi tappat är delvis att vi inte hade suget att vinna efter alla framgångar – vilket vi verkligen har nu – samt att vi hade en allmänt dålig turnering medan EYE hade en jävligt bra.

Har EYE blivit något av ett hjärnspöke för er nu, efter CPL- och CXG-förlusterna? Det hävdade ju Hyper åtminstone..

Hjärnspöke? tror jag inte, CXG tycker jag knappast man kan räkna med tanke på omständigheterna där, och innan det så vann vi väl en sådär 10-15 raka matcher mot dem. De hade en bra turnering nu senast men vi får se hur länge det håller i sig. Det är lätt att komma till toppen och väldigt svårt att stå kvar.

Hur är det att ständigt hänga ihop med samma 4 killar flera timmar i veckan? Beskriv hur ni i SK klarar av det utan att slita varandra i stycken..

Självklart är det ibland påfrestande att hänga ihop med samma killar dygnet runt/året om som vi i princip gör, men vi har jävligt bra sammanhållning och lagmoral så det funkar. Jag tror också att det är därför vi varit så framgångsrika som vi varit.

Tror du att det finns något sammanhang åt det andra hållet också? Har det varit surare miner nu efter några förluster?

Självklart blir folk sura när man förlorar, men det är inget som påverkar oss direkt utan vi kör på som vanligt med nya friska tag.

Kan du beskriva hur ni kör på.. Hur ser ert träningschema ut nu. Fram till höstens begivenheter som 011 och WCG-finalerna?

Vi har varit lediga nu sen vår resa till Kina, ska börja köra igång igen om ett par dagar, sedan blir det träning 6 dagar i veckan med ett par bootcamps inför turneringarna, precis som vanligt.

Har ni några lag som ni har tänkt bootcampa tillsammans med?

Tror faktiskt att vi bara ska bootcampa mot andra lag över internet, ingenting annat bestämt ännu.

I en del tidigare turneringar har ni dolt era taktiker – T.ex. ESWC-kval. Motiverar prissumman på 011 att ni visar alla era konster?

Antar jag att vi kommer göra om inte det går allt för lätt, vilket det antagligen inte kommer göra.

Skulle ni i ett krisläge kunna dra en två år gammal taktik för att överraska motståndarna. En taktik som ni inte tränat på utan som ni bara har i bakhuvudet?

Det tror jag inte, taktikerna som man har är väldigt intränade och skulle vara svårt att byta till en man inte kört på ett tag.

Om ni skulle råka ut för något av de lagen ni tror att ni kommer få möta i en final på t.ex. 011 eller WCG, skulle ni då köra de taktiker ni tänkt för den banan i turneringen, eller undviker ni de taktikerna för att inte avslöja dem?

Kanske inte kör allt det bästa, men dom vanligaste lär vi nog köra

Hur tycker du att du har utvecklats som person – och spelare – sen du spelade i NiP? Vad önskar du förbättra mest i ditt spelande?

Som person har jag nog blivit mycket mognare, antar det har med åldern att göra. Som spelare är jag väl ungefär likadan, aggressiv och lite för fragkåt vilket är det jag helst skulle vilja förbättra i mitt spelande.

Vem tycker du är den bästa CS-spelaren på scenen just nu, och vad skulle du vilja ha för egenskap av honom?

Tycker potti är bäst – vilket han alltid har varit– just genom hans extrema rutin och förmåga att läsa spelet. Det skulle jag gärna vilja lära mig av honom!

Vem är då näst bäst och vad för egenskap skulle du vilja ha av honom?

Ja, alltså… det är så svårt. fisker eller SpawN.

Vad är det som gjort att EYE lyckats slå er om ni har de 3 bästa spelarna i världen?

Teamplayet, taktikerna, hungern efter att vinna, samt att de har en duktig person som styr laget ingame, vilket vi verkligen saknar.

Vad var det som gjorde att ni vann innan, eftersom det uppenbarligen inte har stämt det sista?

Stämt och stämt. ESWC var väl den sämsta turneringen någonsin med 40 fps och helikopterlurar på scenen som man inte hör ett skit i. Sen att vi kom 2:a på senaste CPL hänger väl ihop med det jag skrev förut – att EYE hade en bra turnering och vi en dålig.

Vad tänker ni göra annorlunda på WCG och 011, som ni misslyckades med på ESWC – bortsett från dålig utrustning? Har ni identifierat något specifikt problem?

Ja vi kommer framförallt vara hungriga på att ta tillbaka platsen som #1. På ESWC fanns det inte så mycket vi kunde göra, dock på CPL ska vi bättra på sakerna vi gjorde fel

Har du provspelat Counter-strike: Source? Vad tycker du om det, och vad tror du kommer bli den största förändringen när det tar över efter CS 1.6?

Har testat den en del. AWP:n är på tok för bra, och AK-47 och Colt m4a1 suger. Det kan ha att göra med fpsen men spraya är absolut uteslutet i det, tycker det känns lite skumt faktiskt, men det är trots allt bara en beta så man ska väl inte förvänta sig för mycket.

Jag vet faktiskt inte vad det kommer att bli för stora förändringar förutom att nätkoden är perfekt och förhoppningsvis är det buggfritt.

Tror du att ni i SK kommer kunna stanna kvar i toppen i det nya spelet? Är det så likt 1.6?

Jag har ingen aning om hur likt det blir, men om det är likt så antar jag det.

Kommer du fortsätta spela CS eller lägger du av när CS: Source tar över på tävlingarna?

Beror på hur bra det blir.

Är det uteslutet att du lägger av?

Nja, blir det värsta floppspelet och jag inte tycker det är kul så lägger jag självklart av om framtida turneringar kommer vara i Source.

Om vi återgår till början av Counter-strike som vi känner det idag. Hur kom du på den berömda HeatoN-sprayen?

Det var under CO-reglerna när det ofta var snabba attacker med många spelare samtidigt. Då hann man ju inte direkt bursta ner 5 fiender, så jag började hålla in knappen och lärde mig rekylen någorlunda. Jag märkte att det fungerade riktigt bra och sedan har det bara utvecklats ifrån det.

Vi har MR-regler idag. CPL har precis ändrat sina regler lite grann. Vad tycker du om det och anser du att 011 och andra evenemang skall ta efter dem?

Absolut, tycker pickorna är på tok för random för att ha så stor inverkan, så jag tycker att 10 000 i startmoney vore bra på vanliga matcher också, inte bara övertid.

Lägre rundtid gör spelet snabbare och på så sätt roligare och mer åskådarvänligt. Nu behövs bara att dom höjer hastigheten i spelet lite så är det perfekt :)

Har du någon speciell ritual som du utför inför varje viktig tävlingsmatch?

Hehe. Nej inte direkt faktiskt, brukar väl vara att dricka mycket vatten så man är fokuserad.

Vad har du tänkt göra när du slutar spela CS?

Förhoppningsvis något gaming-relaterat när man börjar bli för gammal för det här. Jag ska försöka spela så länge jag kan, annars så har jag alltid ett jobb på familjeförtaget som väntar på mig. Så det är inget som jag går och oroar mig över.

Tror du att du då kommer se tillbaks på din ungdom som lycklig, eller kommer du tycka att du har ägnat hela din ungdom mot något så trist som ett datorspel?

Riktigt lycklig, se hela världen och jobba med det man gillar allra mest, helt perfekt!

Vad det är som har fått er att välja att åka på 011?

Prispengarna, och att det är ett stort och bra LAN i Sverige är det som lockar dit oss.

Hur ser du på att det kommer ett nytt gaminginriktat evenemang i Sverige? Tror du att det finns en framtid för sådant i Sverige som ändå är en ganska liten bas?

Tycker det är riktigt bra, Sverige har riktigt mycket gamers och flera av dom bästa lagen och det behövs flera stora och bra turneringar här för att esporten ska utvecklas mer här.

Vad är viktigt för dig på ett stort tävlings-evenemang?

Bra datorer, bra servrar, bra spelschema och bra turneringsområde. Det vill säga att luften är OK och att man inte sitter bredvid det andra laget i princip.

Nollelva har ju jobbat hårt för att få det här till ett bra gamingLAN och det ser ju ut som om även sponsorer och de flesta elitklanerna – svenska som utländska – ser möjligheterna i ett rejält och stort gameingevenemang. Vad tror du blir LAN:ets största fördel?

Alla bra lag och spelare kommer vara där och det kommer vara det bästa och största gaming-LAN:et någonsin i Sverige – så gillar du CS är det LAN:et du ska besöka i år!

Jag vill säga att alla ska komma till 011, och tack till Hispanic för att han verkligen försöker få fram ett riktigt bra svensk LAN, samt att Feisty är Sveriges absolut bästa CS-spelare!

Vill avslutningsvis tacka våra generösa sponsorer: INTEL, NVIDIA, Shuttle, Sennheiser, Steelpad, Inferno Online och LeadTek. Besök även SK-Gaming.com.
Fragbite vill tacka 011 och HeatoN för att vi fick tillfälle att utföra denna intervju.


Hello Goodfella! As for the beginning of this interview I’d like to have a short presentation of you.

Nice… Ok, my name is Jonas Virtanen, I’m a 20 years old guy from the south of Stockholm! I like pretty girls, to play CS, to travel and to hang around with my friends.

What else do you do at your spare time, how does a typical weekday look for you else than playing CS?

I start the day by eating some porridge!! Afterwards I go to the gym for training a bit and then I go home, then it depends from day to day what I do. I hang out with friends, girls, watching movies, chilling… just like a true slacker would do ;) When I DO NOT play CS I also teach people about it for www.esportsea.com during some nights to earn some extra money hehehe! For the holidays I do the same things like any other day, else than going out for the tavern instead of training CS ;)

Right, you also work as a instructor for ESEA! Since when did you start doing that and how has it worked out? What kind of people are actually buying these lessons, is it fun to teach them? What do you earn being a instructor?

Well, I began doing it first before I went home to Sweden again from U.S.A in may I think… It went well during 2 months time and I earned pretty well doing it, though I haven’t had time enough lately doing lessons, but pretty soon I will start doing lessons again. It’s just ordinary guys with some extra money in their pocket who wants to become a better CS-player, just as in which other sport or hobbys else where there is teaching and lessons.

Tell me shortly about your CS-career. When did you first get in touch with CS and what kind of first impressen did it give you? How would you compare CS during that time you started and how it has become today?

Aaaah, strenuous question… As for the beginning I started to play it at a friend of mine. Then I got totally stuck and I got myself a better computer hehehe! Started to play a lot of CS and got all better and better at it :) My first impression is therefore something I don’t remember.. hahaha! CS now and then? That’s hard to say, by every new version it feels pretty boring but they’ve succeeded well by always getting a “hooked” on it… Every new version always gets back to the same level of fun in principle.

Do you regret that you ever started playing CS from the beginning, and whats your opinion about CS development during the last four-five years?

I never regret something hehehe! Ive met a whole bunch of great new people and seen parts of the world which I never thought I would do. I guess the games development has been pretty well as for the high amount of bugs etc, though to be honest I barely cant remember how the game was during the old times or how the feeling compared to todays CS haha! To compare CS with Quake 3 doesn’t really work that way, I haven’t played Q3 more than 3-4 times during my whole lifetime so I don’t know much about it else than its very boring to play after 30 min haha! A hot tip for all the Quake 3-geeks out there: start playing CS ;)


What would your careers most greatest climax be?

When I was sitting in a torn in Las Vegas eating a very expensive dinner for free and thought: “I would never believe this… This is damn nice”, hahaha! Its nice to travel for free :D. As for my best CS-climax that must be to beat Team9 in the SEL-finale season 2 with HLO back in the days, that was one hell of a great feeling!

The maybe most greatest Swedish success during your CS-career must have been playing together with MegatoN, SpawN, Magix, Hyper and Tiny. As familiar you guys were HLO which continued into a partnership with the german mTw-organisation. You guys went their Swedish squad, mTw.hlo, though where the partnership reached its end just a month after you guys joined them. This led to that you, Hyper and Magix left the team. Remind us, why did you leave HLO in the first place and where did you go after that?

Just before we went mTw.hlo I was meant to be borrowed to Team9 as for the reason HLO couldn’t take us somewhere during the summertime, but then mTw showed up and I got to play with them instead! Unfortunately it came to late as for players already have been taken out vacations etc. in HLO and it was difficult to find a good time where we all could bootcamp. Vi happened to place 9-12 at ESWC or something like that, and it was a lot of argumentation in the team and with mTw as they thought we didn’t perform well and as for our players were out drinking during the tournament-time etc. haha! We got a new chance by mTw, but we had way too much argumentations and fights in the team so we decided to take in Naikon and Knoxville to travel to Spain and play. We had 2 days to play with each other before going to Spain and before we went to Spain everything went wrong due to bad planning! When HLO lost their sponsorship I decided to leave and walk on and play with Team9 instead…

Tell us about your visit in Los Angeles. Why did you move there in the first place? How did you later on happen to play with the famous CAL-i-team Rival?

Ok! First time I was in L.A I went there together with Team9 / Adrenaline[GX] for three months. During that time I had great fun and when I came home to a cold winter in Sweden I felt it would be much nicer to go back there to do what you want to do instead of being in Sweden training CS six days a week hehehe! I lived in Santa Monica for three months with a oceanview over the beach which wasn’t bad at all… during that time I got in contact with Rival and we played some local tournaments in Cali which earned me some extra money! So that’s it :)

If you know had the chance to compare Rival against the Swedish CS-scene, both as for the tactic and playing part, in both matches and trainings, how would it look like? How does American e-sport sever from Swedish?

Hmmmm.. Swedish teams trains a lot more regular/settled than Americans I think, and with more discipline on whats important and not… more focus to go through tactics and then train them instead of just playing for feeling and take it as it comes hehehe! However they play a lot of CS, if not even more, in U.S.A which leads to some crazy individually skilled players, just as in Rival! The community is much more bigger in U.S.A than here and there are lots of more prize money in U.S.A than you have here. They have small local tournaments in Los Angeles with the same prizes that big tournaments have in Sweden so it’s definitely a big difference for that part! I think if Rival really pushes things together and gets a good flow at the next CPL I think they have a great chance to win the tournament.

Lately you played in CPL Summer 2004. You played together with pandemic which, if my memory doesn’t strike against me, ended upon a not-so-very-great place. Why did you even play with pandemic and not Rival? What got you to go home to Sweden again after you’ve been playing together with Rival and pandemic?

Hmmmm, well we beat 2 American teams before we lost our game vs. The-Titans with 5-13. Then we won yet another match in loser bracket before we got beaten out of the tournament and placed 17-25, just as Gamers.nu did if I don’t remember wrong now… =). The plan was that I from the beginning was meant to play with Rival our plans got screwy with the sponsors and I couldn’t pay 1000€ by myself to get to L.A, so I got in contact with MadMaxx from Subway which also sponsors 3D. His headteam was Pandemic, and offered himself to pay everything for me and I could choose how and whenever I wanted to go down there which really made things easier for me for the moment… the reason why I went back home again was because I had to go home and take care of some familyproblems which I couldn’t solve from L.A.! So now I’m stuck in Sweden again hehe!

Which do you consider has been your best teammates during your CS-career? Why do you think you have been so successful in CS – has the team opened up for you or have you done everything to even become something?

Hmmmm, the best teammates… I don’t know, really! SpawN has always been good, even if I owned him 1on1 at awp_aztec all the time hahaha! The reason I went good was in my opinion because I played a lot and always tried to develop further my thinking and come up with bright ideas.. I’m a really bad loser, I have very difficult playing if I don’t play to win!

As for almost two weeks ago we saw a newspost entitled “Begrip collects a starlike lineup”. The lineup consists of five well respected players by the CS-community, Legenden, phyrre, Snajdan, zaffe and you. Zaffe commented that he knew he had a lot of potential to go very far but as for you in todays position didn’t have the sponsors to. First, why did you decide to play under Begriptag – what possibilities does it give you? How did you guys decide to make up a team? How has its been doing with the sponsorpart?

Hmmmm. As said I had a couple of offers when I came back home to Sweden, but I needed to play with a team where I could play from home and have time to do something else that for the moment has higher priority than CS! I know every one in the team since earlier, especially Legenden who convinced me to take the chance and go for it. At the same time I would never started to play with them if I didn’t see that they had big potential! We are currently looking hard for sponsors, we have a great organisation who deals with the most stuff for us so that’s nice. We also staking on to just play us together as well as it goes before Oslo-LAN, 011 and hopefully CPL later on! We’re also participating in a onlinetournament but that’s just more for fun to get to play some matches, so we don’t take it really that serious. We hope for the best luck of our team now, and as I can see it looks quiet bright yet so far :)

How much time do you, and your new team, Begrip, spend on training and playing overall? Do you feel that CS is worth all the time you spend at it?

For the moment it’s nice as I can play from home regular which I haven’t been able to do for over nearly 20 months… It gives you a lot of time of other things! As for now we’ve just bootcamped the whole holiday.. we play every weekday between 18.00 – 23.00 or so! If its worth it we get to see later on ;)

What kind of onlinetournament is that? What are you’re expectations before 011, many of Swedens greatest clans will be there! Are you attending for victory?

ESL, many of Europes better teams! Of course we attend just to win 011, we will most hopefully feel pretty secure about our selfs till then, and then im almost sure we will be dangerous independent on whichever tournament we will play.

Back to Begrip. Who did you choose to be the in-game-leader and why? Do you feel that you’re lineup is complete enough without any miss of any playstyle? What is missing to become a very successful team, anything?

Haha, right now everyone in the team is leading in-game and comes up with ideas etc… We have several players that are used to lead teams in-game etc. so thers no problems with that! Yet I’d say we’re not a totally complete team just for the simple reason that we haven’t been playing for more than two weeks together. Whats missing to become one of the most successful teams in the world is just our playtime together and tactics for all the maps ;) Give us a couple of months and I believe we’ve impressed a lot of people!

Right now you’re five players in the team, do you feel that’s the only thing that’s right? Has anyone in the team a specific scheme which pushes with your traininghours or has every player enough time to practise 18.00 to 23.00 five days a week? Is there really nothing that could stop you from belonging to one of the top teams of Sweden in the future?

Jepp, 5 players is the real deal! Everyone has the required time so it works well… Of course there are things which may stop us from playing real late sometimes as for zaffe and phyrre who does school! I don’t think they get as much freetime as I and Legenden gets hahaha! But but.. I don’t think theres nothing that could stop us from being a very established topteam, if we have a little luck with sponsors now.

After been playing together with a couple of topteams through the years, by others Rival and pandemic, do you consider yourself as a really great player? Do you feel that you’ve got what you’ve wanted from your CS-career or is there much more to give? How does your motivation for CS really sound, is it really great fun or is it more like a job aside to earn some extra money?

Hmmm.. I think I’ve felt that I’ve been a really great player as for the first day I played it hahaha! You need great self confidence if you want to get somewhere… hehe! But theres always things to explore and develop, that’s it! Its still fun to practise with the team and get better with them, go to tournaments etc… No one can tell it isn’t fun to travel around the world for free! But as I’ve said I would have played CS as much as I do if it wasn’t for the travels and the extra money!

Lately we could see how Hyper chose to leave EYEBALLERS and start playing for SK.swe instead. How’s your opinion on this, is it a step in the right way or was it unmorally wrong by Hyper to leave EYE for SK.swe, thinking of what possibilities SK.swe gives him which EYE don’t? Hyper as familiar won the latest edition of CPL Summer with EYE after winning the grand finale against SK.swe with 13-5. If you got this offer by yourself, from no monthly salary and no sponsors to a monthly salary and sponsors, would you do it if you would have let down on your team?

Haha, unmorally right or wrong… The people who say that he’s action was unmorally done should think about it again, you haven’t ventured as much as Hyper has done into this! You take the chances you get, and I don’t think he stabbed his teammates in their backs or so… All players that play on a top level want the same thing, to travel/compete in tournaments and win $$$.. Hyper took the sure for the unsure! If I personally would have gotten such offer I couldn’t have done it cause I need more spare time then the guys in SK for the moment have! Also cause my new team have agreed with the organisation to really go in all for this for a couple of months and see where we get with it!

How would your own team look like today if you would get to freely choose together a team, and what do these five players need to have in comment to be a really successful team? Pick five playes, incl. yourself, and motivate why you’ve decided these four people.

Hahaha! I would have chosen Spencer, Mecca, Hustler and xoxa.. Catch up on a great sponsor and travelled along the world on sponsormoney and live the life!!! Why I chose them is because I know that we would never get bored if we were in the same team travelling the world wide!


What are your thoughts of the CS: Source-beta, have you had the time to check it out yet? Do you think it’s a fresh solution of all the hitbox-, flashbugs etc. or is it just a game aside the “real” CS, just as CS: CZ? Will a convertion to CS: S be possible if it turns out to be really great?

Well, I haven’t actually tried it out yet so I don’t know haha! I have heard split thoughts of it… In the end I think the big tournaments will coldly decide to do the next event with CS: S instead or so! Who knows… CS: S is in my eyes the “new” CS since it’s the follow-up to the new Half-Life: 2-engine…

Some people see configuration-files interesting (you can find GoodFellas here). What do you use as in equipment to play CS? Is the best of the best needed to even become a good CS-player?

It isn’t deadly important to have the newest and best, not for my part anyhow… haha! But I use a MS 3.0-mouse, func-pad and a Sennheiser PC-155 headset!! I just got a new computer which is niice to play on.. Though I’m not sure what’s in it though!! Good stuff ;) Good stuff is needed to be on the top… It’s only me and the Russians who can play well with 30 fps! ;)

Sadly we’ve reached an end of this interview but I think we got a real bite of you! I really hope you and Begrip will perform well on your upcoming events and thank you so much for this interview. Do you know of something elegant to finish it with, maybe some greeting to somebody?

Thank you so much!! I want to tell Legge and Phyrre that they should have followed my advice and used condoms so they’ve never had their clamydia! And I hope Finland will own Canda in the hockey tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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